My Approach

My clinical work is informed by a strong belief in the healing power of human connection. I concentrate on the underlying beliefs and negative patterns of thinking that are creating struggles in your daily functioning both within yourself and with others. An appreciation of the individual’s relational world is central to how I think about what causes emotional pain and conflict. Often the first place toxic feelings are experienced are in the body and a build up of uncomfortable symptoms. Many people are out of touch with bodily sensations that are alarms that the system is overwhelmed. I integrate a range of therapeutic techniques that foster an improved communication with your body.

 I integrate a range of methods I’ve studied over the years to formulate a very personalized, tailored treatment plan that is guided by collaboration with the client. The goal is to relieve the inner turmoil through expanding your ability to use more effective self-regulatory skills. Stress can have a debilitating impact on our capacity to concentrate and problem solve. When your system is operating on overload the body reacts in a myriad of ways to manage the stress. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and frequently self-defeating behavior patterns which affect our relationships.

My treatment approach is a synthesis of all of the above but mostly I learn from my clients. I accompany them on a journey of meaning making—what were the contributing factors (early development, family stresses and intergenerational patterns passed down, along with societal and cultural influences. I’m interested in the stories we tell—and what gets left out—the gaps and the holes that provide important answers to understanding each person’s unique history.